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Spring forward into mud

The snow is mounting outside as it does on every Sunday night since I can remember.That means that Monday is shoveling day. Unlike most, I look forward to the task at hand. First the house and driveway must be cleared then the hydrants and now to locals who for what ever reason cant shovel themselves. I am I shovel. The air is crisp and quiet. I can feel my breathing and every muscle in my back aches but I don't push it beyond what my screaming muscles can handle.I stop in mid-shovel to enjoy the picture. Everything white and cold, my gloves ,hat scarfs and various layers of clothes insulate me from the real cold. It isn't uncomfortable. The snow is light, almost like frozen white feathers. No heavy slush but it is so cold.

Soon this will all be over. The sun will get higher in the sky as the temperature climbs above single digits. Things will begin the melt. It will be a mixture of rain and snow next time. Heavier to move. The air will be warmer. Everything will be wet not frozen. Messy, muddy, sloppy.....Spring is on the way! The snow will become dirty without its weekly covering. Water will leak into basements as the melting continues. The ground covered for months will reveal itself as a muddy mess of unraked leaves and lost gloves and old coffee cups.

I guess I have to change with the seasons. But I will miss the snow. Then again there is always the hot humid days of summer. I guess I just enjoy extremes.