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The Flag

I stood there focusing on the flag draped over the coffin. I had seen this ceremony before but this was different. This was my dad. The military gun salute still echoing thru the trees as the last refrains of taps put and end to the solemn ceremony. I was given the flag the draped my father's coffin. I felt the pride of having known that he had served his country.

I return often the Rhode Island Veterans Cemetery. I find it to be a calming place to reflect . I am especially moved on Memorial Day when each marker is given a flag of it own.

The flags there and the one on my porch have personal meanings for me. I am sure that everyone has their own feeling when they the flag, after all it a symbol and that is what symbols do they make us think.

I was thinking of this the other day on the anniversary of 9/11.  As I understand it during that day it was deemed proper etiquette for the flag to be flown at half staff throughout the day. In my travels throughout the day I noticed variations on this. Some people who had proudly positioned flag poles in their front yards were flying the flag at full staff. Perhaps they had a reason for this, away on vacation, perhaps a unmindful of the etiquette of the day. It is their choice. There is no law that I know as to how the flag must be displayed....again it is a symbol. I have noticed the flag, as a symbol displayed  various ways from iphone covers to swimming trunks to advertisements on floats in parades. All of which according to what I have read are not proper uses of the flag according to the United States flag code .  A veteran I met once at ceremony at the cemetery once told me that he and his friends fought first of all for each other but also for country where people can live and express there opinions without fear.

I also noticed that some government institutions observed this day different which I did find confusing. Some were flying the flag the way that i thought was proper, half staff, others had a flag at full staff or no flag at all. ( I passed on government facility today and the flag was still at half staff)

although some of this does irritate me I have to step back and realize that it is still a symbol and although some of what I see may not be "proper" it is not in any way meant to be disrespectful and I think that is the most important thing...respect ...for those who severed and continue to serve and sacrifice so that we can enjoy the life that we have.