Learn from the Past and live in the Present

The Website For People Who Think, Wonder, Laugh and Cry 


We sat in the car on the way to the show. The music was flowing as we argued about whether we were going to be early or late. We were on our way to a concert, something that along with sports has bound us together since we were kids.

I have known all of these guys for over 50 years. That is long long time to stay friends with anybody let alone a bunch of greying , knee replacement ,paunchy, overly gabby and opinionated , old men. ( and I do mean old as in we ain't young and certainly are not going live to be 100 so we aren't middle age...but also old as in we have survived and that is sometimes hard to do.) We have done many things in those years. From playing endless baseball games on warm summer days that seemed to last forever or least until the only bat that we had broke or enough of us had to leave for paper routes which meant that more than one outfield position was "closed" . By closed I mean if the ball was hit there it was a foul ball and if only left field was open because of a lack of 10 year old boys well then game over....whew!....that kind of closed. Now we go back to where we use to play pick up basketball games next to my Catholic grammar school. We shoot some baskets and actually one of us is crazy enough to challenge the local kids to a game. Well nobody got hurt and I didn't have to go and get stitches so it was a good night.  I have more stories and memories with these guys than I care or will ever retell to anybody but them. We do tend to forget some details of things in the past. Its like a foggy day when you can only see so far and details of things around are some what muted.              

Tonight we were going to see an old guitar hero but instead of the dank, dark, smokey, beautifully bad old bar, we were going to a casino....oh well better to play at a gambling house than fade away. It was the music and the company that mattered now. Our knees hurt from walking up to the nose bleed seats and we didn't stay long enough to lose any money but we had a great night because we were together. The story here is if you have friends ...keep them..cherish them...if you dont get some....soon.....your gonna need them...remember nobody here gets out its important to have somebody to help you enjoy the ride.

Rock on Boys...I love ya!